Telepsychiatry. Staff, build and expand your telepsychiatry program..доктор медицины This report represents a collaboration between the National Institute of Mental.
Telepsychiatry allows access to continuing care even when you travel, get sick, or encounter commuting or weather difficulties. Telepsychiatry: Expert Interview with Peter Yellowlees, MD. This is the official relaunch of the Telepsychiatry Subreddit which is designed for the emerging industry of telepsychiatry.
The term typically describes the delivery of psychiatric assessment and care through telecommunications technology, usually videoconferencing.
Staff, build and expand your telepsychiatry program..доктор медицины
Telepsychiatry promises to solve these real-world barriers without a further cost of care for the patients. Like most other medical professionals, psychiatrists have been using telephones to provide remote care for years. TelePsychiatry by SohoMD - Board Certified Psychiatrists providing Telemedicine, Online Video Telepsychiatry.
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